True Rest

My thoughts and feels about floating at the True Rest Float Spa, the San Diego California location.

Photo courtesy of True Rest.

It was cool. Freeing. Relaxing. Anywhere I can go and get naked I’m kinda intrigued. Ha! Although you can wear a bathing suit or swim trunks if you so desire. 

So you chill in a private pod filled with water and tons of epsom salt for an hour with music and lights. Sounds nice right? So if you have any body ailments or stress it’ll work through it. It’s also nice on the skin, exfoliating/clearing. You can probably do the same concept at home. I’m just not sure about all that salt going down the drain.

If you are in need of getting quality sleep, improving minor aches and pains, need to just relax, want to improve your skin texture or maybe a few of these, check out True Rest. I totally recommend it.

Have you tried a True Rest Float Spa or anything similar? What are your thoughts?…